Revolving Scholarship Program

This project was first introduced in 2002, when
an initial contribution was received from
a charitable institution in Holland to roll out
this unique program.

Over the years, more contributions were
received from well-wishers of the society who
saw the positive effects of the program.

The program operates with fresh scholarships
being given for professional education from repayment
of scholarships of previous students who have
successfully joined the workplace. There was an initial
feeling that many students may not repay the
scholarships taken, however experience has shown
that most students repay the scholarship amounts so that
future students could be assisted.

At this moment of time in 2018, we are giving
scholarships to 45 students.

The more students that repay, the more scholarships
we are able to disburse.

This program can successfully be expanded if
fresh donation contributions are received towards this scheme.